Invitation: When we invite a number of people like a relative, friends, business clients etc, on different occasions such as weddings, engagements, births, deaths and public functions in a writing form, it is known as INVITATION. Many times invitations are also given verbally, but here we will discuss written invitations and their replies. Invitations are two types. Formal an Informal. Many people send a formal invitation (for the occasions mentioned above) with an informal invitation to make them more personal. It is customary to send a handwritten personal invitation along with a formal invitation to near and dear ones. Like invitations, replying to invitations is also essential, Replies can also be formal or informal Checklist for Writing Formal and Informal Invitations Formal invitations are writing in the third person, ie she, he, they In the case of Informal Invitation, use first/second person. Do not use abbreviations for t...